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BOS Minutes September 13, 2005
Chichester Board of Selectmen
September 13, 2005

Present:  Chairman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery Selectman Colbert, and Patty Wooster, Administrative Assistant.  Chairman DeBold opened the meeting at 7:15PM

SUBJECT: Emergency Management

HIGHLIGHTS:  Mr. John Martell had nothing to report.

SUBJECT:  Highway Department

HIGHLIGHTS:  The Road Agent, Mr. David Kenneally reported that he has received a firm commitment from Brox and they should start to shim and pave Depot Road, Cross Road and Smith Sanborn Road sometime next week.

Mr. Kenneally reported that Carol Raymond has passed her written test for her CDL license.  Carol is scheduled to take her road test in October.  CONGRATULATIONS CAROL!!!

Selectman Colbert asked Mr. Kenneally if he has washed the sand and debris off of Depot Bridge.  Mr. Kenneally said he was not.  Selectman Colbert said the pile of the sand, salt and debris is not good for the structure of the bridge, he is concerned with corrosion.  He also stated both approaches should be cleaned off before cleaning the curb.  He stated that there is a white birch tree that is hanging over the road and the tree should be taken out.  Selectman Colbert asked Mr. Kenneally if he has used the tanker trucker offered by the fire department.  Mr. Kenneally said that he has not; he said no one has given him the ok nor have they given him training on the tanker.  Fire Chief Paveglio stated that he has someone in mind to train Mr. Kenneally and will contact him.

Selectman MacCleery asked Mr. Kenneally what else he was working on.  Mr. Kenneally stated that he had one more day to work at the school; he will be installing the guardrail at Kelley Corner Road and he will be cleaning out some ditches.

SUBJECT: Fire Department

HIGHLIGHTS:  Fire Chief Mike Paveglio stated that he has banned all burning permits with the exception of campfires.  He stated that the ground is too dry and it is too dangerous to do any type of burning.  Chief Paveglio stated that he had read the ordinances and he had a better understanding of impact fees.  He stated that he will be contacting an architect to design conceptual plans for the expansion of the Safety Building.  Police Chief Pat Clarke said that he contacted Scott Tepper and asked him if he could draw up the plans.  Mr. Tepper declined and gave the name and number of someone in Barnstead who could assist on this project.
Selectman MacCleery asked Chief Paveglio about the GMC K-1 tanker.  A few weeks back he asked Chief Paveglio about getting an estimate to put the tanker back in service.  Chief Paveglio stated that the tanker was 25 years old and was not built to be used as a fire truck.  He said that the truck is under powered and it was a good truck for a few years.  He stated that the truck was put on that particular chassis to enable it to fit in the garage.  Also, every time the truck is used it needs a new starter.  Chief Paveglio stated that the truck is of no use to the fire department and he was not going to waste time or money trying to repair the truck.  Selectman MacCleery stated he was disappointed that the reasons were not brought forward prior to stripping the truck.

SUBJECT: Building Inspector

HIGHLIGHTS:  Mr. David Paveglio reported that he had seven building permits left.  Mr. Mullaney has not approached him for any building permits.

SUBJECT: Police Department

HIGHLIGHTS:  Police Chief Patrick Clarke reported that the new officer, Josh Wright was doing well and he would be starting part time at the academy this weekend.  Chief Clarke reported Officer Jeff Miller was back from New Orleans.

Chief Clarke reported that he had received  a telephone call from Lucille Carson-Noel, who is a member of the Historical Society regarding a missing sign on Thunder Bridge and also the approach to the bridge is being blocked by parked cars.  Ms. Carson-Noel and Mr. Fred Shaw were in attendance.  Mr. Shaw presented pictures to the Board of Selectmen showing where the car was parked and where a rock was placed to keep people from having access to the bridge. He also presented a picture showing a sign that was hung from the shrubs that stated: “Cut my trees and I will cut yours”.

Ms. Carson-Noel told the Board that a sign was placed on the bridge stating that the bridge was renovated through funds provided by “Moose Plate Funds”.  Ms. Carson-Noel told the Board that the sign was to stay on or near the bridge for period of time.  At first, the sign was turned around, then thrown on the ground and is now missing.  In addition, she said that she attempted to get to the bridge to water the plants and could not get her car between the car that is parked in the Town’s Right of Way and the rock.  She said she had to carry heavy jugs of water to the plants.

Ms. Carson-Noel and Mr. Shaw presented the Selectmen with a letter asking for their assistance in this matter.  Selectman Colbert stated that there was a problem in the past regarding the homeowner parking his car in the Town’s Right of Way.  Selectman Colbert said that he had in the past officially spoke to the homeowner and provided a survey of the land showing him where the Town’s Right of Way was.  The homeowner said that he would not park his vehicles in the Town’s Right of Way.  Selectman MacCleery asked the Road Agent, Mr. Kenneally if the Town maintained that road.  Mr. Kenneally stated that the Town only provided summer maintenance to the bridge and surrounding area.
Selectman Colbert made a Motion: To send a written correspondence to Mr. Baas and to direct the Police Chief or his designee to speak to Mr. Baas.  The Motion was seconded by Selectman MacCleery.  A vote was taken and all were in favor.

A Motion was made by Selectman Colbert to instruct the police to tow any vehicle deemed blocking access to Thunder Bridge.  Selectman MacCleery seconded the Motion.  A vote was taken and all were in favor.

The Historical Society, the Police Department and the Road Agent will work together to have a sign made up regarding parking in the Town’s Right of Way.

SUBJECT: Mr. Allen Mayville

HIGHLIGHTS:  Mr. Mayville met with the Board of Selectmen to discuss his neighbors’ manure pile.  In August, Mr. Mayville met with the Board of Adjustment for a ruling on the manure pile being considered an “obnoxious use” as stipulated the Town’s Zoning Ordinance Article III Section H.  The Board of Adjustments ruled in favor of Mr. Mayville.  Upon the ruling the Board of Selectmen wrote a letter to Mr. & Mrs. Stock telling them the pile of manure had to be removed.  The Stocks moved the pile of manure but put the pile in a place that is still visible from the Mayville’s front yard.   Selectman Colbert asked Mr. Mayville what he wanted the Board of Selectman to do.  Mr. Mayville said he wanted the Board to write another letter to the Stocks and tell them to move the pile.  Selectman MacCleery stated that the Stocks had filed an appeal and were coming before the Board of Adjustments on Wednesday evening.  The Board of Selectmen decided that they should wait until after a decision came from the Board of Adjustment.  Mr. Mayville stated that he did not want to wait that this issue has dragged on long enough.

SUBJECT: Mr. Earl Weir

HIGHLIGHTS:  Mr. Weir met with the Selectmen on behalf of Ms. Teresa Brown.  Ms. Brown owns approximately 13 acres of land on Ferrin Road.  This land is in current use.  She would like to take (at this time) two acres of land out of current use and donate it to a non profit organization.  Mr. Weir was inquiring what the current use penalty would be.  He stated that the land is classified as backland and has no road frontage.  According to the tax card, the backland is worth $1,200 per acre.  Mr. Weir asked if the penalty would be $240.00.  The Board was not sure and said that we would need to call the assessor.  Chairman DeBold asked Patty to call our assessor and follow-up with Mr. Weir.  Also, Ms. Brown needs to update her current use application.

SUBJECT: General Business

HIGHLIGHTS:  The Board discussed the appointment of Budget Committee members.  Two seats needed to be filled. Chairman DeBold made a Motion to appoint Ms. Pamela Stiles as a member of the Budget Committee.  Selectman Colbert seconded the Motion. A vote was taken and all were in favor. Chairman DeBold made a Motion to appoint Mr. Jason Weir as a member of the Budget Committee.  Selectman Colbert seconded the Motion.  A vote was taken and Chairman DeBold and Selectman Colbert were in favor.  Selectman MacCleery was not in favor.

A letter to Mr. Cavacco regarding Marsh Pond Dam was reviewed and signed by the Selectmen.  Also reviewed was a letter that was sent to the Department of Environmental Services (“DES”) regarding the Administrative Order.  In the letter to DES the Board questioned the use of a professional engineer to prepare a proposal for a “controlled” breach.

A letter from the Town Attorney, Matt Serge was reviewed regarding Chichester Condominium Corporation.  Patty was instructed to send a letter to Mr. Serge and advise him not to take action.  

Selectman MacCleery asked Patty to research on the proper way to release a welfare lien.

The Board briefly discussed proposed changes to the Zoning.  Patty was asked to send a memo to the Planning Board advising them that all proposed changes will be reviewed by the Town Attorney before going to public hearing.

The Board signed payroll and accounts payable.  

Legal correspondence, mail and e-mail were reviewed.  

The Minutes from September 6, 2005 were reviewed and approved.

Being no further business, Chairman DeBold adjourned the meeting at 11:45pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Patty Wooster
Administrative Assistant

Chairman Richard DeBold

Stephen MacCleery  

David Colbert